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Edgewood school house W. Va. Feb 12th, 1868
Capt J. C. Burbaker.

Dear Sir,
The Board met on the first inst, and purchased the house and lot I wrote you about in a former letter, for the purpose of Free schools for colored children. Mr Purcel is in from the west and has signed and acknowledged the enclosed deed. it needs his wifes signature and acknowledgement yet, but as she is in Illinois it will have to be sent there. The Board gives $300.00, for the property, the house will not cost much to have it put in condition for school, but we cannot get possession of it before the first of April.

Mr Purcell would like to have the deed to take with ^[[insert]] him [[/insert]] to the weest when he returns, to get his wife signature  In your last letter you stated that you would have to send the