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Clarksburg Harrison Co W Virginia
Feb 25 1868

Dr Sir

Mr Odell has just placed your letter of 27 Dec 1867 in my hands together with the Teachers report of Coloured School requesting me as the propper officer to forward same to you.

The enclosed report is immeterialy incorrect in two or three particulars — the coloured Teacher reports undoubtedly to the best of her knowledge. 

In this city we have a combined Graded White School & by the organic & Statute law of this State it is made the duty of all boards of Education to provide to a certain extent for the education of the coloured youthes — hence this school is under the direction & pay of our Board. If you have Register's that you wish used in coloured schools mail them to me & I will have them used 

All communications relating to the coloured school in this city should be endorsed "Dr A. F. Barnes Sec Board Coms. Clarksburg School Dist. Clarksburg Harrison Co W Virginia"

Yours Respectfully
[[signature]] A. F. Barnes [[/signature]] Sec
Board Coms Clarksburg Sch.. Dist.