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Clear Spring, Md. March 4th 1868
Mr. J. C. Brubaker

Dr Sir I received yours of 28th Feb. with blank School Report which I have filled, and perhaps may be the last one unless some assistance is afforded from some source as I cannot afford to teach any longer at the present Rates, not having the necessary funds to maintain my family. I feel an interest in behalf of that Poor unfortunate Race of People and if able would willingly teach free of Charge.

Hagerstown & Williams Port. are aided By some association I think New York at least such is my information. The fact of the matter is the People here do not take that that interest that they should in having the Poor Freedmen Educated. I will Teach on two weeks longer, and if not in that time there will be some assurance for me getting some aid my School will be Discontinued, and some other business sought for by which I can make a living for self & Family — hoping to hear From you shortly.

I Rem. Yours
Verry Respt &c
[[signature]] J. D. Pittenger [[/signature]]