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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and A. L.
Head Qurs. Fifth Sub Dist.
Harpers Ferry March 9" 1868.

Revd. Mr.. Kimball
Supt. Education.

Dear Sir:
If convenient I should be pleased to have you make a tour through my district during the present or coming week. There are matters pending upon which upon personal examination, I should like to have your opinion. School matters in W. Va.. are progressing and in the course of another year by earnest and judicious labor we will be able to place the Colored people in a condition to recieve all the benefits of the free school system now enjoyed by the whites.

Respectfully Your
Obd sevt
[[signature]] J C. Brubaker [[/signature]]
Sub Asst Comr

Transcription Notes:
Head Qurs. = Head Quarters I've added *'s to denote unreadable letters. Please use [[?]] instead of *'s to denote whatever is difficult or impossible to transcribe, per SI "Tips" for transcribing.