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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qur's. 5.. Sub Dist
Harper's Ferry  April 28" 1868.

Dear Sir:

When Mr. Johnson teach, at Sharpsburg came here, it was understood by the colored people that they were to defray the expenses incidental to the school, and board.

Complaint has been made that they are compelled to pay tuition, to sustain him entire. Johnson says he is sorry there was not a better understanding between him and the society.

It seems the society refuse to pay his salary. As you are aware the col. people are not able to sustain a teacher without aid from some source. I was not favorably impressed with him at first, appearing rather trifelling.

Unless we can secure aid from some source I apprehend the school will have to close.

[[signature]] J C. Brubaker [[/signature]]
Sub Asst Comr

Rev Jno Kimball.
Supt Education