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Trent Camp Near New Berne N.C.

May 14th 1868.

Rev John Kimball
Supt of Schools of Washington D.C.

Dear Sir
I see by the last Journal that our Commission will stop her school in your city after June 30th 1868.

Will it be in your power to get me a place among you as teacher for next year. If so I wish you would make an effort.

Our people in Camp wish to continue me an nother year, but Mrs B. thinks our little girl must be at school & as she likes Washington so well & wishing to continue in the work another year we apply to you.

Our school has been very large. We have had as many as 2,30 My wife teaches with me. We have a camp of Eigteen hundred people with some five Hundred scholars. We have four schools in camp. We are just over the river from New Berne N.C. I would have answered your request long ago but the duties of a teacher & the pressing wants of the freeman have taken up