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^[[B 88]] (R., F. & A. L., Vol. ^[[12]] 186^[[8]]. 

^[[B.124. ACDC Vol. 4. 1868]]
^[[Washington. D. C]]
^[[May 17th]], 186^[[8]]. 

Bundy. C. S.
B58 O.S.E.D.C. Vol.1.1868.

States that upon leaving Lewisburg, West Va. a few days since, Dr. J. F. Cauldwell of that place charged him with the following commission. Say to Gen'l Howard that the Freedmen of Lewisburg have bargained to purchase a stone house well suited for their school-house, owned by the Masons, & to be $350.00 that they have raised $100.00 toward paying for it, that Gen'l Howard agreed to send $250.00 to aid in its purchase whenever a copy of a Deed conveying it to Trustees is sent to him, that the Freedmen have selected Dr. J. F. Cauldwell, David Coffman & A. Seldonridge (loyal white men) as their Trustees. "He can safely send a check for the amount made payable to the recorder whom the Trustees [[?]] as recorded."

WRAPPER (^[[1]] Enclosure[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]].)
Received, Bureau R.F. & A.L., ^[[May 21st], 186^[[8]]. 

Recd O.S.E.D.C. 5/24-68. 
E B 34

[[stamp]] HD. QRS. ASS'T COM'R D. C. BUREAU R. F, & A. L. RECEIVED MAY 23 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
WASHINGTON, ^[[D.C. May 21st]] 186^[[8]].

Respectfully referred to [[underlined]] Gen'l C. H. Howard. [[/underlined]]
Ass't. Com'r. of District Columbia.

By order of
Maj-Gen'l. O. O. Howard. 
[[signature]] F. D. Sewall [[/signature]]
A.A.A. Gen'l.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands. 
Head-Quarters Asst. Commr., D.C,

Respectfully referred to Rev. [[underlined]] John Kimball, [[/underlined]] Supt. of Education. 

In absence of the [[underlined] Assist. Comm'r. [[/underlined]]
[[signature]] Stuart Eldridge [[/signature]]
A. A. A. Genl.

E.B. Vol.1—68 
[[check mark]]