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See letters

1. Barnesville +
2. Oak Hill X
3. Poolesville † written
4. Damascus # written
5. Rockville + Deed not made 
Andrew A. Davis

# Saml Mason
† John Adams
X See Butler's letter—

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[[start page]]

Gnl Howard,

I judge from Butler's letter that he will be in Washington soon. I have not requested lumber for any houses in Montgory Co yet, as I have not the directions as he supposes, and I am not certain about the deeds. When he comes he can give you needed information & I hope you will aid in building. I think about five (5) school houses in that part of Montgomry. Mr Crosby has plans for houses, and the last estimates for lumber. Most of it can go up on the canal. It may be better to buy up there in some cases. Butler will know.

He also knows about a house at "Bird's Mill" A A Co, where Van Derlip says the deed is right. Crosby has letters about that.

Resp yours
[[signature]] J Kimball [[/signature]]

Transcription Notes:
I changed + to † in a few spots, but it could be that author has just written + sloppily. Change back if you think so. -- Beth