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"B".147.  A.C.D.C. Vol. 5. 1868.

Washington D.C.  December 4/68.

S 123 RFAL Vols 4/69

[[underlined]] Bureau R. F. & A. L.
F. D. Sewall [[/underlined]]
A.A.A. Genl.

B 142 O.S.E.D.C. Vol. 1-1868.

Circular letter, ordering Assist. Commissioners to forward at once to Bureau Head Qrs. a list of all School buildings in their respective States, now in possession of or borne upon the property returns of this Bureau, stating the name of the Association, Corporate Body, or Board of Trustees holding the legal title to the land on which each building is located.

This report to contain a brief description of each lot by metes and bounds.

[[stamp]] BUREAU R. F. & A. L. WASHINGTON REC'D MAY 6 1869 [[/stamp]]
[[stamp]] HD. QRS. ASS'T COM'R D. C. BUREAU R. F. & A. L. RECEIVED DEC 5 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[stamp]] Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands,
Head-Quarters Asst. Commr., D.C.,
WASHINGTON, DEC 7 1868 [[/stamp]]

Respectfully returned to Rev. [[underlined]] John Kimball, [[/underlined]] Supt. of Education for report.

By Order of [[underlined]] Asst. Commissioner [[/underlined]]
[[signature]] D. G. Swaim [[/signature]]
Bt. Maj. U.S.A. & A.A.A. Genl.

E.B. #126 Vol. 1-1868.

Washington D.C.
Dec 12' 1868

Respectfully returned.  I do not know what houses are borne on the property returns of the D.C.

[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt of Education

E.B. #128 Vol. 1-1868.

it was only