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[[underlined]] List of School buildings in the District of Columbia ^[[and Maryland]] borne on Property Returns if Brevet Major J. M. Brown D. O. Bureau R. F. & A. L. [[/underlined]]
[[five column table]]
|Description|How Used|Location|Owner of Land| Description of Lot|
|Frame Building 2 [[chim?]]|School House|East St Georgetown D.C.|Trustees [[Col.d.? ?]] cities of [[W.& G?]]|   |
|[[ditto for Frame Building]] 60 x 31. 2 story|[[ditto for School House]]| I St. bet 19th & 20th St.|Baptist [[Home?]] Miss. Soc| X Sq 118 - lot 10|
|[[ditto for Building]]|[[ditto for School House]]| M. St. bet 16th &17th| Trustees &c W. & G.| x |
|[[ditto for Frame Building]]|[[ditto for School House]]| Blandensburg, Md.| (Meth. Epis. Ch.)?]]| x |
|[[ditto for Frame Building]]|[[ditto for School House]]| Leonardtown, Md.|[[?]] Trustees (?]]|   |
|[[ditto for Frame Building]]|[[ditto for School House]]| Port Tobacco, Md.|[[ditto for [[?]] Trustees (?]]]]|   |
|Brick [[ditto for Building]]|[[ditto for School House]]| E. St. South & 9th St West.|Trustees W & G|  x | 2 |
|Frame [[ditto for building]]|}[[ditto for School House]]|}[[Cor? F?]] & 24th Sts. -|}Govt Reservation [[?& sheet?]]|}Sold to St. Johns Home|
|[[ditto for Frame]] Sink|}[[ditto for School House]]|}   |}   |   |
|[[ditto for Frame]] Building|[[ditto for School House]]| St. Joseph St. Mary Co. Md.|[[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]]Private Ind.|    |
|[[ditto for Frame Building]]|[[ditto for School House]]|[[ditto for St. Joseph St. Mary Co. Md.|   | ?|  |
|[[ditto for Frame Building]]|[[ditto for School House]]|Sq 110. Hopkins Subdivision| Private Ind.|   |
|[[ditto for Frame]] 2 Story Dwelling|}Indpt. School|}Lot #11 [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] Effingham Place|[[strikethrough]]Miss [[? Walker?]][[/strikethrough]]|[[???]]|
|with 2 Story Frame Addition|}School|[[strikethrough]]University[[strikethrough]] Property|}Private Individual (Miss [[?]])|   |
|Brick Building|}Indust. School|}[[?]] Cor 11th & R. Sts.|}[[Local?]] Trustees|(names) ?|
|with 2 wings|}     |}     |}     |    |
|Brick House|School|No. 16th East Fayette St. Balto.|   ?|    |
|Stone Building|[[ditto for School]]|Woods Mills Howard Co. Md.|    ?|    |
|Frame Bldg}|Mission School}|I St near 23rd St}Gen O.O. Howard|    |
|26 1/2 x 56 1/2 1 story}|    }|    }|as Trustee Commissioner & [[?]] - |    |