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Mount Hope Calvert County Md.
January 9th 1869

Rev John Kimball

Dear Sir

I write to inform you that the school House here have not been plastered nor porch have not been put up yet.  Miss Ann Cummings is trying to raise funds to have it plastered and they have sent for a new stove then the House will be comfortable.  

The cost of the land was for near 4 acres | $120.00
Cost of Building and nails and other things. | $176.00
[[subtotal]] | $296.00
Paid on the debt | $203.00
Ballance not paid is | $93.00

Miss Cummings seems to be getting along very well the people like her and her school is verry orderly and the children are progressing under her tuition. Miss Cummings says that she sent to you a copy of the school House deed.  The numbers of schollars is 54

Verry Respecfully your servant.
[[signature]] John H. Butler [[/signature]]