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sociations of places where new (underlined) schools (underlined) are needed; of buildings which can be rented for such use, and 
their capacity; and unite with them in all judi-
cious measures for organizing such schools.
  The Commissioner desires to cooperate heartily with these efforts, especially in the methods heretofore
proposed, and which have been communicated to you.
  The blank now [???] is to be forwarded with your other monthly reports. Please have all sent 
on with promptness.  The consolidated results can 
then be reported at once at these head-quarters and 
to Congress.
  In conclusion do not fail to urge upon
(??) State Officials in your District the importance of 
this educational work in its relations not merely to
humanity and general intelligence, but to all public prosperity.  Also urge forward any 
measure which anticipates the period when [end page]