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Forktown, June 25th 1869

Mr John Kimball

Dear Sir  

i received your most welcome letter of the 9th and as you requested me i ancered imediately and have not had eney [[?]] at all  i sende it frome forktown and i all most think that it never left the offess as i never horde eney thinge frome it  your letter said that you wood sende us a teacher to teach a three months school of we wood pay his borde that you wood pay his sallery and i wrote emediately that we wood gladely receive him and be very thinkfull for your kinde offer

Pleas answer this soon as you can  we exspected the school to commence at the 21 June  we were sadly disopointed that the teacher di not came nor no [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] answer