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B 307 O.S.E.D.C. Vol.1.1869

Washington, D.C.
Aug. 9th 1869.

Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Rev. J. W. Alvord
Genl. Supt. of Schools.

States that in his recent report of Schools, Teachers and Pupils in his entire field, some increase over the report of July 1868 in schools and teachers appears, but a decrease of more than 15000 pupils:  that the Commissioner directs him to "stir up the Supts. of Schools to report every school in their States, &c.":  that he believes many schools are in operation which might be reported if special effort is put forth to gain information concerning them &c. &c.

Rec'd. O.S.E.D.C. 8.12.69