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Oakville St. Marys County,
August 9 1869.

Reverent John Kimbal.

Dear Sir,

We have our teacher here his name is Jesse Gould, and he is a good teacher, and we do like him very well, and he has a fine school, and he has a good Sunday School, and he is fully competent of teaching it.  We havent had such a good teacher hear since Sarah B. Howel was here, and we are improving all our time to learn from him;  and we are glad you got him here.  He is staying with us, and we should like to keep him over his time people have tried to take him of but he will not go over.  He is very much beloved by all the scholars of the school;  and we have seen the trustees of the colored Methodist Church at chaptical, and things are all wright there.  I will close this by saying may the Lord bless you for what you have done for us.

Reverent Mr Kimbal, there will be two men up there this week which one said William [[?C.]] Love, and Joshua Jones, to get a recommendation for office, and that I would not give them any recommendation.  They have split the Union Ranks,