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[[preprinted]] WAR DEPARTMENT,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, ^[[Oct 1st,]] 186^[[9.]] [[/preprinted]]

Circular Letter }
To Heads of Division }

Hereafter all Officers and Clerks of this Bureau will be required to be promptly at their desks at nine (9) o'clock, A.M., and to remain at the same until [[underlined]] three (3) [[/underlined]] o'clock P.M.  The practice which has prevailed among many of coming after and leaving office hours [[underlined]] must be discontinued [[/underlined]] and the salaries of those who persist in the practice will be diminished in proportion to the time thus lost.

In this connection the attention of Chiefs of Division is called to the autograph letter of the Commissioner of July 28th 1869, directing report of all Clerks later at their