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[[preprinted]] War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, ^Dec. 22nd^, 1869. [[/preprinted]]

Bvt. Maj. W. L. Van Derlip
Supt. Education

Dear Sir;

Please make, at your earliest convenience, an outline map of your State, and locate thereon all your schools - indicating each by signs as follows - viz - for the Day schools, high or normal [[diamond]] (red); Grammar [[circle]] (red); Intermediate [[dot]] (red); Primary [[dot]] (black); Night schools [[star]] (star); Sabbath school [[cross]] (cross).

Group these signs when the several kinds of schools are in one place. Be particular to have every school of whatever kind indicated respectively so that the whole thus appearing to the eye, will equal the whole number given in your written report.