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practitioners, and minority engineering, planning and contracting firms.

4.  To act for the common good of minority architects on political matters, and to press the local and national level on issues affecting the physical development of communities.

5.  To maintain liaison with other professionals and technicians whose work affects the physical and social environment.

6.  To encourage the establishment of coalitions of member firms and individuals into coordinate, associate and joint venture relationships where such relationship can advance the case for their professional development.

7.  To form an effective source of motivation and inspiration for minority youth, and to maintain an active role in the education of new architects.

8.  To act as a common public voice for all minority architects as they speak out on matters affecting their work, and the communities in which they do their work.

9.  To promote the design and development of a living, working and recreational environment of the highest quality for all people.

II. [[underlined]] Government Structure [[/underlined]]
A. Regions:  To facilitate communication between members and to maintain a continuing level of activity between National meetings of NOMA, the NATIONAL ORGANIZATION shall be divided into geographic subdivisions known as Regions.  These Regions shall be divided into no less than five (5) Regions defined thusly:

[[preprinted]] [[image: line drawing of a box sectioned into 4 with triangles colored in in various positions inside]] HAROLD L. WILLIAMS ASSOCIATES