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[Footnote 1]

I thought the "Loaves and fishes" would bring them if nothing else. But they are interested. I wish thee had time to go to New York, Phil. & Boston and lecture to the people telling them the great need of schools being kept up, or partially supported, for two or three years yet. These people must be educated. I am sorry Northumberland has no Teacher. I shall go there if I cannot stay here. But I do hope I can stop here next Summer. I mean to go down in Emily's School during my vacation here, anyway. That will do a little good for a month or six weeks. I was nearly worn out, last vacation. Had to go home & rest. I dont have chills anymore. Our night school is very interesting. Please say to General C. H. Howard I am very grateful to him for asking.

[Footnote 1: The Committee to retain me. You are so kind to us here. Respectfully, Sallie Cadwallader]

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