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The 5th inst., the third day after my arrival, which was as soon as we could get the house in readiness. My day school, as yet, is quite small, owing to the inclemency of the weather, impractibility of the roads, and the distance some of my scholars have to come; but as soon as the weather and roads improve, I shall have a much ^[[insert]] better [[/insert]] attendance; Though I shall never have a large school in the summer season here. I open and close school with prayer and singing, and, am pleased to say, have a very quiet, orderly, and interesting set of scholars. I am boarding with a coloured family, and lodging in another house which is occupied by two coloured families. I could not get board of the white people here excet at rates to high for the coloured people to be able to pay.

I have not disposed of the things furnished me yet, as I feared there might be some uncertainty about my remaining here, and in case I did not, I could do more good

Transcription Notes:
Mr. Johnson has an odd way of handwriting his Ts, making it difficult to tell whether he's capitalizing words or not. -- Beth