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Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co WVa May 15, 1868
Maj Gen O.O. Howard
Commissioner of 
Freedmen's Bureau,

Dear Sir,

John Kimball, Superintendant of Education has written to G. Holmes (Col) who gave me his letter.  I write this to you in Explanation.  When you were in Lewisburg, I was absent attending a Rail Road Convention at the White Sulphur.  The Colored people here informed me that you told them, that if they would raise $100.00 that you would for the Freedmens Bureau give 250.00 toward paying for a suitable school House for their use, that they must select three loyal Union Men as trustees to whom the property should be deeded, so they selected J.F. Caldwell David Coffman & Arch. Seldonridge who consented to act as the trustees.  I am the President of the Board of