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Buckhannon Upshur County West Virginia August 7th 1868
Mr. John Kimball, Supt of Schools.

Dear Sir,

I herewith Enclose The Certificate of the County Superintendant of Schools, to the fitness of Benjamin F. Malone, Teacher, in School District No. 1 in Buckhannon Township.  Said Malone has taught a School in the School House built for the Colored Children 3 months ending July 11th 1868, and the Board of Education have paid all expenses including the Salary of the Teacher, above the $20. per month proposed by you.  The Trustees of this District Employed sd Benjn. Malone Teacher upon your proposal to me, and the said Trustees Certified to the Board of Education the facts of the school so taught by Mr. Malone and that said Malone has Claimed Sixty dollars against the Bureau of R.F & A.L.

Which Certificate was this day Examined by the Board of Education and found to be Correct and ordered to be Certified to the Bureau of R.F &. A.L. for Payment; And the same is Certified by the Recorder of Upshur County, with his Signature & seal of Office attached, which I herewith likewise enclose.

Please forward the $60. in Draft to me to pay balance due Benjamin F. Malone, Teacher of said School.

And by so doing you will much oblige  Yrs Very Retfy &c
[[signature]] Jackman Cooper [[/signature]] Secretary
Bd. Education Buckhannon Township
Upshur Co. W. Va