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from either of them since they left New York, although I have written to both. Sebastien, I agree with you, has probably returned to New York, but what has become of his brother?

J. S. Lowell
Sec. &c. 
I have to thank you for several copies of Mr. Alvord's Report, which reached me this morning.

C 371 O.S.E.D.C. Vol. 1. 1869.

North Shore, N. Y.
Nov. 15th 1869

Commission, N.Y. Branch F. U.
Mrs. C. R. Lowell Jr.

States in reply to letter of the 13th inst. that they are not able at present to furnish more teachers, but may be ready to do so about the 1st of January.

Inquires what has become of George Payne who went to Fairfield to teach.

Acknowledges receipt to copies of the Genl. Supts Reports.

Rec'd.  O.S.E.D.C. 11. 11. 69.