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West River Gailesville, Md.
Dec 4th /68
Maj D. G. Swain

Dear Sir
Yours of the first has just been received to-day. I will now explain to you for wishing to resign. The people here sent in a Petition for me to return to take charge of their school. Of which I agreed to return providing I would board near my school. As there were a dwelling to be erected near the School-House. As they are not fixed suitable to take a Teacher. I am compelled to walk the distance of nearly two miles every morning through the inclemency of the weather. And very often impassible as it a very low marshy-place.

The Condition of the school has been very poor. The people have been unwilling to help to support their school. Through many difficulties we have succeeded in paying the Board that was due for Mr Colders who was Teaching here during the summer months. We have called the people to gather and have talk & explained to them their duty toward their school. I am willing to remain here and teach providing I am place so that I can and if the people will support their school with the