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not built sufficiently strong to with stand such rampant actions.

I have been, to much trouble & pains (I do not say this to boast) to get the S.H. plastered since I have been here, & it does not accord with my feelings, to see it [[insert]] the plaster [[/insert]] broken down, when I [[underlined]] positively know [[/underlined]] there is no use in it. The colored people of this vicinity are competent to keep their church prepared for service, if they are so minded; but so certain as I relinquish the S. house to them once or twice I feel that they will give up all efforts to keep their church in repair.

Last year, a portion of the Church trustees, or whatever they are termed, was anxious to have the school house appropriated to their use, but as I stood out against it (and, I being a new teacher, they did not insist) I had my way. Now, some of them have ordered the sexton to come & get the key, & prepare it for service, & that without saying anything to me about it.