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Woodville  Jan 9th 1868

Mr Kimball

Dear Sir

I am glad to inform you we have consulted together & have concluded to take the Teacher & use every effort in our power to make him comfortable.  I am glad that our Friend Mr John Kimball has stated in his letter that he would see the sallary of the Teacher paid for I have rec'd a letter from Mr Jennies stating that the schools funds was exausted & that it was necessary to call upon the Colard people to aid him in the work & that if we would pay $12. per mo. he would see the ballance paid.  But as Mr Kimball has offered to see the sallary paid, we are now ready for the Teacher.  You will please staet to Mr Jannies the condition of our affairs & there will be no necessity of writing to him.  We will be glad to hear from you when it will be convenient for you to send us the Teacher.

Very Rsp'y Yrs
[[signature]] Richard Duglass [[/signature]]