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He took me to board with him, & after I [[footnote 1]] was there nearly a month he told them what he should charge for it, which was ^[[insert]] more [[/insert]] than they were able to pay, & cansel the debt for the house too. He then told them, if they would not pay that, that they must keep their children at home, & they all got much displeased with him. he also asked me if I would charge each one so much. I disagreed with him, & said our object was to teach all. He then was so detremmend to have his way about it all, & after another man offord to board me in reasion [[?]], he then pursued this course to break up the school entirely. He tried to bribed his wife, but had to force ^[[insert]] her [[/insert]] to take a faults oath against me, which she did.  

He do not know he was disgraceing her as well as me, by her swar that this awful & unlawful crime was do before Christmas, he do not think that her actions during the Christmas would cansel her oath, neither did he care. I have the sympathy of all the people there, & they have been up here & give statements ^[[insert]] to [[/insert]] that effects. Lawyer Key says that I should not lose my position, on the account of that man, yet I suppose I shall.

[[footnote 1]] E.W Davis

Transcription Notes:
The punctuation on this page is tricky! -- Beth