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Charles Co Md
Duncaster P.O office
July 24th 1868

Rev John Kimball
Sup't of Schools

Dear Sir:-
I now take the present opportunity to write you a few lines to inform you of my school. I have 71 scholars in day school, 90 in Sabbath school. I also have a night school. So I labor both day and night, among my people to the best of my ability. You know that I have been very sick since I came down here and could not make my dictations as I desired to do in regard to communication with you. Though I feel my inability I will try to emprove in the future  I ask your prayer in my behalf that my labor in school may be crowned with success and that I may ever live as a humble servant at the feet of Jesus Christ. I have written two letters to you but have not received the first answer. Please answer on reception and inform [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] me when you will be down to my school. I would be very glad to see you. The people seems to be very much pleased with me.

No more at present. Respecfully your humble servant
[[signature]] Cephas Davis [[/signature]]