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Charles Co Md.
Doncaster P.O Office
August 8th 1868

Rev John Kimball
Supt of Education

Dear Sir:-

I am in due receipt of your welcom letter which came to hand the 8th inst.  I am very glad to learn that you will be down soon, for I am very anxious to see you.  I am well at present, and still laboring with my school to the best of my ability.  I have now 76 day scholars, and 35 night.  My Sabbath School attendance are 90.  The people seems to be very much pleased with me and wants me to stay longer than the time specified.  I enjoy my labor in School very much.  I would be very glad to continue my sessions through the month of September as my School will not open until the first of October; So I make application to you to continue my school through the month of September.  Please let me know soon.  No more at present, but remain as ever your humble servant.

[[signature]] Cephas Davis [[/signature]]