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Charles Co. Md.
Doncaster P.O. office
Sept 22 1868

Rev John Kimball
Supt of Schools

Dear Sir:-
I am very glad that my application was consistent to your approbation, in regard to the continuation of my school through the month of Sept — To which I now tender to you my sincere thanks. I shall continue to labor to the best of my ability. I now have eighty five scholars in day school and thirty six at night. My Sabbath school attendance are one hundred. Having such a large number they keep me very busy and work me very hard Though I feel encouraged. My school is progressing findly. I have a large number in geography arithmetic and also in the first & second readers. I have a good many that can write their names neatly. So I feel that I have did a little good during the time in which I have been engaged in teaching school.