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Jan 28th 1869

Rev John Kimball

Dear Sir.

I have seated myself down to inform you that we have been trying to get that matter in regard to the Trapp Church or school house completed, but it has been with considerable difficulty that we get along with the colour Trustee are resign to give the portion of ground to the School house that they said they would give, but it been they cant find Deed, that the white Trustee has.  & now they are going to have a Deed drawn & as soon as it is done I will send it to you.  We need a school house in Chapel D.C some four or five miles Easton  I done know but that it may be further than that, but let that be as it may they have A great many children out there that have never had any schooling as yet.  & they have purpose bilding a church out there on the same acre of ground where have purpose bilding school house & in consulting on the matter last night thought that they would have the two conexeded providing they get the association to assist them  I told them I ask you what could be done in this, if you can let us have the boards for the house we can find frame for a house 26 by 32 which they think will be large enough  Will please let us know what you can do as soon possible  the children of this neighbourhood where considereded last year think & they told me that