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Olney, Montgomery co., Md. Jan. 2d 68.

Rev. John Kimball,

Dear Sir,
Yours of the 31st ult., containing fifteen dollars ($15.) in full for salary till the 21st of the current month was received yesterday afternoon. You may send the money on the 21st of each month [[underlined]] by mail. [[/underlined]]
I have already had 39 scholars, and expect more, — 12 or 15 more.

I begin to get the school in a somewhat creditable state of organization; but I could have already done more, if the school had been better supplied with books. The books which

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Book and Stationery Store,
519 Seventh Street, one door above D Street,

Religious Book Depository, General Literature, Sunday School Publications, School Books, Blank Books and Stationery.