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[[image - black and white photograph of Judge Robert Heberton Terrell, Municipal Judge of the District of Columbia]]

[[caption]] JUDGE TERRELL [[/caption]]

THE appointment for the fifth time of Robert Heberton Terrell as Municipal Judge of the District of Columbia, is a noteworthy triumph.

Judge Terrell was born November 25, 1857, in Virginia.
He was educated in the public schools of Washington, at Lawrence Academy and at Harvard, where he was graduated in 1884. He studied law at Howard University, and married the well-known educator, Mary Church, of Memphis. From 1884 to 1889 he was principal of the M Street High School in Washington, then became chief of a division in the Treasury and afterward, for five years, practiced law with John R. Lynch. From 1902 to 1909 he was a civil magistrate and since 1909 has been one of the three Justices of the Municipal Court, having been appointed and reappointed by Presidents Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson. 

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The Looking Glass

[[image - black and white photograph of officers of the former 8th IL regiment]]



AUGUST PRIEUR in the Paris La Liberte, translated for the Literary Digest:

Into the fight he leaps with lion bound,
   Here whirls and there, with native cry of
To foes!"across the blood-drenched yards
       to gain—
   Nor heeds the shrapnel's hissing breath.

He's hit–now shuddering lies the giant
   And torn the jaw that nerved his battle-cry
Above him leans the major, kind, alert
   To know of one so brave must die.

The ebon hero writhes and fain would
   Saddened the major reads his fading
And kneels to hear no native rally shout,
   But dying murmured, "Long live France!"

Mr. John Orth, of Boston, has been sending out a little card as his "bit." The title is "In Heaven, Lincoln Interviewed," and this is the message:

Mr. Lincoln was busy, but was willing to grant me a few moments.

So I began: "Many people are asking, Mr. Lincoln, what you would do if our were to come back to earth at this time."

I then mentioned profiteers.

"Oh, yes," he said, "that IS a troublesome matter. I had this same element to contend with in my day."

Then suddenly: "But the Negro—the Negro,"he cried. "There are times when I wonder if my life work on earth after all had not been a failure. We have had conferences at which were present among others Sumner, Phillips, Garrison, Parker, Channing, John Brown, and Douglass. Need I say we are all greatly distressed? Would to God we were all back again, that we might make our appeal once more. Willingly would I put my life in pawn a second time for so holy a cause."

The "War Program of the State of South Carolina," prepared by the Russell Sage Foundation, shows the wretched state of the Negro Reformatory, which is pronounced to be "absolutely destitute of all reformatory features, except a Sunday service."

The state makes no appropriation for the maintenance of the reformatory; all of the expenses for the 190 boys have to be paid from the labor of the boys, half of whom, as has been sated, are under 12 years of age. Not only is this true, but last year in cotton picking time some of the boys were drafted from the Negro Reformatory to pick cotton on the other prison farms. 

The writer has visited perhaps 200 institutions for children, but only once before in his experience has he seen a company of children so utterly forlorn, miserable and helpless as the boys in the Negro Reformatory of South Carolina. 

Mr. John E. Bruce has published an excellent tribute for the Negro soldier in a little booklet of forty-eight pages, with much historical matter about previous wars and facts about the present war. It can be had for twenty-five cents and postage from this office.

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