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*To be sure [[strikethrough]] It is true [[/strikethrough]] the ^[[Indian]] does not understand American building - our ways are a puzzle to him^[[and]], [[strikethrough]] And [[/strikethrough]] for this as well as to ensure a steady encouragement to keep to him the only way - as opposed to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] European tendencies the Guild was formed. So long as the Guild can be of help to them and to their [[/]] and to their architects & patrons, it is an instrument for their use.

In Santa Fe arose a wail among the purists - "However lovely the diningroom may be, we dread the consequences - now every barber shop" "Barber shops would be excellent places for murals" "But if rightly adapted" "That is where the Guild ^[[should be]] of service" ^[[we intend]] that the design [[strikethrough]] may [[/strikethrough]] be an integral - and not only appropriate - but,