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and we arrive with no equipment.
had taken down a box of my own oil colors & some brushes, palettes, paint cups, charcoal. Only one - Hokeah - had ever done anything in oil. They waited about - the nine of them and demanded what they were to do - I ^[[sensed]] [[strikethrough]] felt [[/strikethrough]] a repressed hostility among some - and an inclination to smile behind my back, though I may put most of that down to nervousness on their part as well as mine - for they were every one eager and responsive the moment they understood a little bit about it - Bust the panels ^[[of the room]] were frightful - some made of Beaver board were put in without any reference to doors and architectural requirements, and carpenters, painters, and bosses had to be consulted before ever we could assign the waiting ones their work. ^[[Julian went home 35 miles back to s[[?]] [[?]] ]] And in the midst of it all I was twice tearing down town to get supplies - haranguing the shopskeepers to let the school have a reduction in prices - for their materials here are so high - I sent the Principal of the school [[?]]ays to shop to making pallettes & the tinshop making tin cups - brought plates from the kitchen and t[[?]]s from the shop - and comforted the ones - then with great joy we finally got Hokeah & Riley to work and assigned the others to panels. As on the previous day, any appeal to their judgment is repaid by advice that is faultless. Hokeah's taste is perfect. And sweeter persona to work with I have never known. 

With all our hurried and anxious planning - nothing came out as we had expected - To our dismay - some figures are colossal - Some life size & some half size looked like pygmies - No one liked to change -