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we saw later — Considering their coming from so many different tribes, their cooperation is fine — Even — I believe — we could do a big composition all together. I would like to direct such a composition, as a master directs an orchestra. They work together in an [[amazing]] way — Today we found a little meek new boy working with an incongruous assurance on a new panel away [[?]] in a corner — and no one we asked seemed to know [[strikethrough]]a this[[/strikethrough]] about him. [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] I found him [[?]] in, with great sensitiveness and beauty, a man on a horse, from a sketch before him that looked familiar. "Yes it is Romando's design — I am drawing it." "For him to paint?" — "No I am going to paint it —", He is Miguel — from San Ildefonso — only arrived this a.m. (At this rate, we can soon cover all the walls, in the Indian School!) Yet I found Romando drawing again on Julian's new panel of the [[?]] — strangely — Julian, past master at placing the appropriate and perfect decoration on [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] a bowl by Maria his wife, finds some difficulty in adjusting a design to a large space. But *Julian is not young and* this is all a new thing to them — in fact the boys speak of him as "that old man". He must be forty five perhaps! Today [[Hokeah]] Told Miguel a foot was not well drawn, and [[Hokeah]] took the charcoal and drew it in with beautiful ease, which seemed a proper performance to Miguel — though a man of a different tribe. Two days ago most of these boys did not know what charcoal was — today they are using it like masters. When I told Mr Faris this morning [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] no one could guess the importance of the tremendous thing he had started, a mist seemed to come to his eyes. He said "I will tell you how I happened to do it — I was tired — so tired I felt it to be an unbearable fatigue. We went into La Fonda [[strikethrough]]and sat[[/strikethrough]] in the New Mexican [[?]] to have dinner. And your walls rested me. I looked at those [[?]] and the [[?]] and forgot my tiredness. And I thought "Oh if only we had something like this at the Indian