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Tues. June 21 -1932. At 8 I telephoned the Indian office to ask Julian Martinez not to begin his panel until I arrive — "But he has begun" "Then ask him to stop." At 9 I arrive & find him with his panel quite drawn in—, the skunks much alive & Julian sitting before them admiring while Romando was drawing in the girl for Julian — In my Anglo way I came up excited — "did you not get my message to stop this panel—?" He did—smiled Julian— Yet both were sweet and reasonable when I asked them if, since dance figure[?] lead developed all around the girl — did she and her brood of skunks look in place? And they agreed she would go better elsewhere— Mr [[Faris]] is getting worried that we do not bring more animals into the picture, but I cannot keep them off the dance subjects. That they love most. But I shall gently recommend animals and abstracts whenever expedient. Jo [[Baker]] & Teresa came in today and in great enthusiasm looked over the work and the sketches. I explained my plan for [[running]] abstracts around the principal panels and groups of panels and [[?]] throw out illuminating [[?]] and found [[Holsca's]] wealth of material baffling to choose from, as I had, — so much of it marvellous! Mary [[Wheelwright]] also came on my urgent invitation and was quite lifted up at the thought of what this might unfold. We luncheoned in the New Mexican room at La [[Frida]] and it was good to have a square meal again — I do not have time to eat any more, & last night Louise & I worked on the Proctor cartoons till midnight with the result that when I went to bed my excitement over that and the [[?]] work was intense & I had no sleep for hours —. The boys began putting on the color this morning — Louise & I had mixed every bit of it in order to establish the seals — [[I]] said to my callers — you observe my enthusiasm — I am the cheerful color mixer for the Indians! At first Romando & others would not use it — but took solid black from the tubes and white & colors likewise but on our explaining the reasons for getting a large flat effect that could be [[?]] around the whole room and not be jumpy and little, and make holes in the wall, they said we were right, & though Louise had told them I would not insist on their doing any thing they felt not right, they changed [[their]]