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Fri. June 24 — Was met today by a demand to know "how much we get for this work". "But that is all between you and Mr Faris — you can ask him — "Because we work hard and we must have good pay." "But if the room is fine and right when done, you will be no doubt asked by someone to do another building somewhere and then you can make [[our]] own prices, but now we cannot be stiff about our pricess because we have nothing to show. Later Mr Faris said, Someone has been talking to them — they never make trouble, and it will be satisfactorily adjusted — Edward said "Before we go on with our work we must know what we will get" — and he walked away and went to work without the slightest hint of pay — and is still at it — Tom has finished his abstract — or Bowl design so he calls it — and I showed him a similar space to fill — but he looked a little sad & I said "but perhaps you wish to paint something else — are you tired of Bowldesigns — yes I am a little tired —" Very well — do an animal somewhere — but [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] directly he was doing a beautiful abstract. Much to do about getting more paint and turpentine. They like paint in tubes — look with disfavor on [[?]] [[strikethrough]][[paint]][[/strikethrough]] bought in quantity and call it housepaint. Julian has finished and gone home, ^[[as [[?]] of his pueblo he must prepare for the dances on Monday —]] Romando's deer dancer is done and he is doing an antelope dance figure — the only stop to a long and determined line dancing toward a corner. But R does not like Julian's deer dancer — and wants him changed. But I specially llike Julian's figure. Leave him as he is and before the room is done we will see what may need changing over the whole room. Today we learned why the artist from Picuris does not work — he is nightwatchman & sleeps all day. Dr Proctor callled for me & much impressed. We went to his garden then & sifted sand for an hour. P.M. gave lesson to Florence McC. with model posing. Jo came & Louise & helped grind colore — Teresa came with notes for proposed publicity — Mr Faris suggests a badge or button would be a symbol of our group in the boy's minds and would do more than anything else perhaps to inspire loyalty. Two artists Chuck & Jimmy called & said they thought this the biggest thing started in the S.W. A funny little horse is on the panel in the Animal corner as the boys ^[[diligently]] call it — they ask me how I like it — I laugh & ask them is Romando going to paint his horse — Each day the panel begins & ends in a laugh.