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Sat- June 25- Miguel says it is not best to paint a horse on the disputed panel. Then after much serious contemplation, sitting before it, he walks straight up to the wall and swings in, with one confident, masterly sweep a large semicircle, turns & says "how is that? Well, what is it? inquired Miss Movius. "The plumed serpent. An abstract should be there." "Why" Because an abstract is on the other side of the group of three panels." They ask Hokeah, who gives precisely the same reason for his approval, and for [[condemming?]] the horse. Richard has been loading on the color till it shines. "Miss Rush wishes you to use the color thinned with turpentine as she showed you - So it won't shine", said Louise. Later, he called her over to see that he had tried to correct this, but we think we will need to hide the tubes and again prepare the pots of light-keyed color thinned down with turpo. Hokeah criticized Romando's second antelope dances as being set too low. The two antelopes are in the corners far from each other & Louise said come to the bock of the room & lets see which is right - and seeing it from that distance H. laughed "You are right" - and poked him in the ribs. Jo [[Baker?]] made plaster and laid it - we mix on the [[?]] - covered [[?]] and carry the plaster into the patio in buckets. Dr. Proctor has rigged up a famous Tarpaulin and scaffolding - "being a seafaring man" he says - he understands rigging. I painted a large section including six animals. Sun - June 26 Louise & I plastered and I painted a section at the Proctors. We are using a 2 to 1 of sand & lime mixture - cement 2 - lime 1. It is too rich for my liking - and gives some trouble - I like 3 to 1 better - 3 sand - 1 - lime mixture. Mon. June. 27. Paint pots and pans got into an awful mess last week - and all to replenish today. Made newpurchases of (this time) K. McLister paints after all tubes of expensive color last week - L & I spent most of day looking after these matters. Jo B. & I were both all and could not do fresco. I suggested to Riley that his modelling in the pant legs of his floute player - and on the tree stump are like "our kind of painting" and not so Indian as his sketch, and (over)