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[[start page]] Wed. June 29- Edward the Navajo objects to the uneven line of the boards around the ceiling, and in truth it is crooked [[strikethrough]] confronted with the [[/strikethrough]] whereas the lines in a sand painting run beautifully straight and clear so we are having the ^ [[insertion]] house [[/insertion]] painter lay yellow on that, and the sand painting ^ [[insertion]] rainbows [[/insertion]] will run all around the room below it. Edward wishes to bring the head and feet of the rainbow down each side of the entrance door - that is to him the only logical place [[plus symbol]] so, properly encircle the room - to bring good fortune to all. Edward further craves to do something to the electric light globes. These fixtures have been annoying and puzzling we - and it is [[strikethrough]] wonderful [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] [[overwritten]] good [[/overwritten]] to know the boys have hope for their betterment [[overwritten]] a [[overwritten]] and the initiative to speak of it. So they tried one out for we - a cloud design - blue on the white glass - (what else but a cloud to dim the glare of the sun?) *[[asterisk symbol]] but when they switched on the current there was a loud guffaw and Edward was the first to declare it "funny!" *[[asterisk symbol]] [[strikethrough]] One [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] [[overwritten]] Several [[/overwritten]] [[superscript]] of [[/superscript]] the boys had [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] a turn at creating it [[plus symbol]] with much play. We will experiment with paint and [[subscript]] varnish [[/subscript]]. Julian is the husband of Maria the maker [[?]] of beautiful pots and today having finished his deerdancer [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] [[overwritten]] from [[/overwritten]] every prayer feather on his head to every stitch in his white crochetted leggings, he comes to gently announce he must go home to paint pots. "But you will come again?" Yes I will come on Monday and I will bring my boy - the one you met". Thank you Julian - we will see that he [[strikethrough]] gets [[/strikethrough]] [[overwritten]] has [[/overwritten]] a panel to do - and you will paint the girl and skunks?" Then the laugh. But before going Julian had a concern about Richard's painting - something is quite wrong with the black bang but I can;t make out what. "Did you speak to Ricardo of this?" Yes said Julian and went to his waiting car, along with son. Santana who wears two long braids down each side his neck precisely like the father. Julian's shirt is amazing - an unbelievable red. Richard wears the two long braids - - - - a strikingly expressive figure - long there clear cut as to feature [[overwritten]] of [[/overwritten]] face and to every line [[strikethrough]] and ? [[/strikethrough]] of body - when the two are perched on orange-topped tables they are more beautiful than any of their paintings. The poor little school boys have to wear their school clothes [[plus symbol]] look drab. Justin's ambition they say is to make enough money to be a medicine man when he returns to his tribe in Mary's land. "Holsiah [[?]] will you look after the abstract designs that are to go in the panels surrounding your sun [[best guess]] symbol panel?" "Yes but I don't like those panels." "Neither do I, but the carpenter said they would be bad to change." "Yes it makes a rough place to paint on" - "But you are doing it so well Holsiah [[?]] that the eye will never be troubled by it" So we agreed to draft the carpenter willy nilly - to make more symmetrical panels. Such a hard day frescoing at the garden - Jo laid the plaster [[superscript]] over the doors. [[/superscript]] [[plus symbol]] both he and I painted on borders. By the time the sun set gloriously with rains falling from far high clouds in the far country, we finished - so tired and Dr. P. brought us home. [[end page]]
Transcription Notes:
I was unsure how to transcribe a word that had been struck and had another word written over top of it so I did the following:
[[strikethrough]] wonderful [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] [[overwritten] good [[/overwritten]]