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July 5 - Mr Greenbelt finds the Indian design a new thing in the world, on seeing the decorations & Hokeah's and Riley's portfolio - He believes it will revolutionize Art and prove a more vital upheaval than the Negro influence - since this he says is a more living thing. He declares European Art dead - Greek Art & Gothic built on floral & tree forms-not so strong as these, built on more moving vital forms- & he indicated to the Ox head in Hokeah's drawing - the bird & beast forms - the sun, cloud & rain forms. "The Acanthus leaf must go, [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] this is more thrilling!" "It has been with us long enough - what have we to do with it?" I [[?chimed]] - and the boys looked on-& listened and we wondered what they thought of it all. Greenbelt said, " here are [[insert]] elements of [[/insert]] forms never used in Art before" The Greek cross + and [[2 triangle symbols]] but here we find the cross of the elipse - [[line]] He noticed the figures marching away from the centre & said "This decoration suits a common dining room where there are no preferences, it is right that the movement is toward the corners of the room, with high bright decoration there - A centralized grouping would be out of place - that is suitable in a church for instance." [[insertion]] where there is a center of attention.[[/insertion]] "But not in a Quaker meeting house." We held animated discussions over the placing of Julian's Skunks and they were ruled out of the dining room into the hall where they would not smell so. Hokeah's brilliant flute dancer should be by the door [[insertion]] in the hall [[/insertion]] as tho' leading you in - but then it developed the animals could not play beside him - the animals Mr. Ferris "would like to see" all over the large wall in the hall. The Indian boys favor dances in that hall - whether because it is more right, or because they adore doing them I cannot say. Mr. G. admired Romando's horse but was the little animal a skunk? No, a bear. But the line made me think it a skunk. The line is the bear symbol. And thus we strive to get at [[strikethrough]]each other [[/strikethrough]] their way of thinking. And this striving enlivens us - we thrive on discovery. They care so little for it-seemingly. They like to make little new discoveries on old ground I think. Oqwa Pi awaited me. He heard the discussions with solemn interest. I gave him the large wall panel at right of door to do as he choose & asking for animals - "Something like the ones you saw last night?" over