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[[strikethrough]] anyone accustomed to combining colors will know. [[/strikethrough]]

The Medicine Man directs the sand painting for has he not the knowledge from the gods themselves? But no one waits for orders, for have they not painted with shining sands the mysteries whenever illness has gloomed the world for them? Firm steady fingers drop - clean lines down the centre of the floor and behold a god appears clad in shining raiment. * [[line connecting this asterisk to one on next page indicating inserted text]]  Who shall say the health of a clan is not bettered by a custom of creative effort? Down the room, three to five men on one side and as many on the other now paint the eagles who rise in the air to carry the god or spirit heavenward

To paint an eagle or a hawk, a straight line is dropped for the axis of the body, then branching lines, forming a perfect skeleton.
[[image - line drawing of straight and branching lines]]
Next the wings are widened and forms added to make a five pointed star.
[[image - line drawing showing added wings and star]]
Next the outlines are filled in with color & the heads & legs [[insert]] & Tail [[/insert added. Then all embellishments. Beautifully [[?]] feathers & delicate markings
[[image - line drawing of finished bird]] 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

From the time the first straight line is dropped, till the last. Whistling eagles cry when the picture is destroyed, every line and every word of chant is a symbol. *and - [[line connecting to another * at insertion point on previous page]]

There is no harsh criticism. If a man does his work clumsily, he is chaffed a little, there is good natured laugh probably, he sees his mistake & corrects it. Or if someone has made a faulty calculation in the spacing, a discussion will arise, but it has to do with the best method of [[insert]] going ahead with the design [[/insert]] & balancing up the composition to make a symmetrical whole without altering in the slightest detail the traditional forms and demands of the painting. Thus it is that the creating power is always called into service in the most exacting symbol painting through its very demand of perfection.