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[[underlined]] FY 1983 - Budget and Revised Projections (Schedules C and D) [[/underlined]]

-- [[underlined]]Federal Appropriations[[/underlined]]: As part of the first Continuing Resolution, an appropriation of $36,500,000 was provided the Institution for construction of the Quadrangle, contingent upon certification by the Regents of the availability of Trust Funds for the matching portion. Certification has been provided the Congress, and site preparation is now underway.

Initially, as part of the second Continuing Resolution, and subsequently in a separate appropriation, a total of $156,366,000 has been made available in the balance of the Institution's accounts. The Congress approved the Institution's proposed increases for a major initiative to upgrade and improve security equipment, for equipping and operating the Museum Support Center and for providing adequate base funding for the Office of Plant Services. A total of $1.9 million represents add-ons initiated by the Congress for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts for payment to the National Symphony Orchestra for activities related to its responsibilities as the resident orchestra of the Center ($1 million), for production of a film commemorating the signing of the Treaty of Paris ($200,000), for improvements to the multiple mirror telescope at the Whipple Observatory ($425,000) and for phased automation of all library services ($275,000). Reductions included $891,000 in postage, utilities and rent funding, $453,000 in personnel costs which the Committee felt could be absorbed through savings in unfilled positions, and $300,000 in funding for the Center for the Study of Man, eliminating all staff support for the Center but allowing retention of support for the archival function. With regard to Construction accounts and the Foreign Currency Program, the Institution's full request was provided. Totals by account are reflected in the following chart: