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[[4 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]

[[program]] | FY 1982 Appropriations | FY 1983 Request | FY 1983 Appropriations
Salaries and Expenses | $131,170 | $144,110 | $144,366
National Zoological Park | 1,104 | 1,550 | 1,550
Restor. & Renov. of Bldgs. | 7,680 | 8,450 | 8,450
Special Foreign Currency Pgm. | [[underlined]]4,320 | 2,000 | 2,000[[/underlined]]
Total | $144,274 | $156,110 | $156,366
Quadrangle Construction | [[underlined]]960 | 36,500 | 36,500*[[/underlined]]
Total | $145,234 | $192,610 | $192,866
*Appropriated as part of the first Continuing Resolution.

OMB has allowed the Institution to request an FY 1983 supplemental appropriation of $2,390,000 towards 50 percent of the increased pay costs associated with legislated FY 1983 pay raises, including the recently approved executive level pay raise.

--[[underlined]] Nonappropriated Trust Funds[[/underlined]]: Operating results, which are available for only the first two months of the fiscal year, provide insufficient data on which to base new estimates; the projections have, therefore, been revised only to reflect major reorganizations. Effective last October, the production and marketing of recordings were transferred from the Division of Performing Arts to the Smithsonian Institution Press which has the expertise in specialized and popular mail order marketing; in view of last year's substantial losses, the recording program will be significantly reduced as its future is reevaluated. The performance and other functions of the Division have been placed under the Assistant Secretary for History and Art, where greater emphasis on museum relatedness and tighter budget controls are expected. In addition, the Anacostia Neighborhood Museum was assigned to the Assistant Secretary for History and Art, and the International Exchange Service was transferred to the Assistant Secretary for Administration.