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[[underlined]]TRUST FUNDS COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET [[/underlined]]
($1,000's)   [[underlined]] CURRENT FUNDS[[/underlined]]   Schedule I

[[table, 4 columns]]

[[underlined]] Assets: | 9/30/80 | 9/30/81 | 9/30/82 [[/underlined]]
Cash | $ 40 | $ 1,092 | $ 2,998
Investments (Book Values)* | 21,785 | 28,526 | 26,481
Receivables | 11,052 | 12,619 | 12,852
Inventories | 6,244 | 7,464 | 9,902
Prepaid & Deferred Expense | 3,204 | 3,457 | 4,663
Deferred Magazine Expense | 4,091 | 4,078 | 5,626
Capital Improvements/Equipment | [[underlined]]1,469 | 1,421 | 2,316[[/underlined]]
Total Assets | [[double underlined]]$47,885 | $58,657 | $64,838[[/double underlined]] 

[[underlined]] Liabilities and Fund Balances: [[/underlined]]
Due to other Funds | $4,273 | $8,271 | $9,427
Deferred Magazine Subscr. Income | 14,742 | 14,597 | 16,986
Other current liabilities | 9,299 | 12,196 | 14,468
Fund Balances
Unrestricted Funds:
General Purpose | 5,001 | 5,043 | 5,048
Special Purpose | 9,895 | 12,599 | 13,003
Restricted Funds: | [[underlined]] 4,675 | 5,951 | 5,906 [[/underlined]]
Total Liabilities & Fund Bal. | [[double-underlined]] $47,885 | $58,657 | $64,838 [[/double-underlined]]
*Market Values | $21,336 | $27,831 | $26,652

[[dashed line]]

[[underlined]] ENDOWMENT FUNDS [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]Assets: [[/underlined]]
Cash & Notes Receivable | $79 | $72 | $142
Due from current funds | 435 | 678 | 812
Investments (Book Values)* | 62,908 | 73,708 | 82,069
Loan to U.S. Treasury | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000
Real Est.-Cost or Appraised Value | [[underlined]] - | - | 225 [[/underlined]]
Total Assets | [[double-underlined]] $64,422 | $75,458 | $84,248 [[/double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] Endowment Fund Balances: [[/underlined]]
Endowment | $38,390 | $36,322 | $39,343
Quasi-endowment | [[underlined] 26,032 | 39,136 | 44,905 [[/underlined]]
Total Endow. Fund Balances | [[double-underlined]] $64,422 | $75,458 | $84,248 [[/double-underlined]]
*Market Values | $76,876 | $77,274 | $88,052

[[dashed line]]

[[underlined]] PLANT FUNDS [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Assets: [[/underlined]]
Due from Current Funds | $3,837 | $7,592 | $8,618
Real Est.-Cost or Appraised Value | [[underlined]] 12,544 | 14,024 | 15,889 [[/underlined]]
Total Assets | [[double-underlined]] $16,381 | $21,616 | $24,507 [[/double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] Liabilities and Fund Balances [[/underlined]]
Liabilities | $210 | $305 | $221
Acquisition Fund Balances | 3,810 | 7,464 | 8,567
Investment in Plant | [[underlined]] | 12,361 | 13,847 | 15,719 [[/underlined]]
Total Liabil. & Fund Balances | [[double-underlined]] $16,381 | $21,616 | $24,507 [[/double-underlined]]

[[dashed line]]

[[underlined]] AGENCY FUNDS [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Assets: [[/underlined]]
Due from Current Funds | $1,618 | $1,958 | $2,265
Investment at Cost | [[underlined]] 10 | 10 | 10 [[/underlined]]
Total Assets | [[double-underlined]] $1,628 | $1,968 | $2,275 [[/double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] Fund Balance: [[/underlined]]
Due to Current Funds | $1,219 | $-0- | $-0-
Deposits Held in Custody | [[underlined]] 409 | 1,968 | 2,275 [[/underlined]]
Total funds | [[double-underlined]] $1,628 | $1,968 | $2,275 [[/double-underlined]] 
[[/table, 4 columns]]

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Transcribing Tables Many transcription projects with tables include special instructions, so make sure to check before beginning a project. In general, however, when transcribing a project with tables, please demarcate between cells in the table by using a vertical bar/pipe (|). Use this only to mark transitions left-to-right. No special mark is necessary for line breaks or new rows. Please include empty cells where appropriate, but do not feel the need to add empty rows. To transcribe empty cells, please simply use two vertical pipe bars (|) with three empty spaces in between. For example: | | (and refer to transcribed example page below, which contains multiple empty cells). For cells that include a dash, please enter an em dash (using Alt 0151). For example: | — |.