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established a program in "career awareness" for the District of Columbia Public Schools. Known as the "CAP" it will begin operation on a pilot basis in January of 1983.

In the first year three District of Columbia public high schools -- Ballou, Ellington and the Penn Center -- and several Smithsonian museums -- including the African Art, Portrait Gallery, and Anacostia -- will together provide approximately 200 high school students an overview, followed by a more in-depth experience, of a variety of Smithsonian careers. The participating students will be primarily ninth graders because most young people of this grade level have not yet locked themselves into the kinds of curriculum decisions that ultimately determine career options and choices.

A CAP Advisory Committee, consisting of the participating schools' principals and the participating museums' education staff members has developed a four level plan for the CAP.

-- In-school programs. Through school assembly programs with audio-visual presentations and group discussion, students will be introduced to a wide variety of career options at the Smithsonian.

-- Behind-the-scenes career tours of SI museums. Each student will choose a tour in one museum when he or she will get the chance to meet and talk with such museum professionals as conservators, exhibit designers, and writer/editors, as well as curators.