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environment. Because current and projected needs of the Observatory necessitate a larger headquarters facility, leasehold improvement is not economical. Of eight sites studied and analyzed, the Amado one was chosen because it is accessible and visible from Interstate 19, contains all necessary utilities, is flat and conducive to appropriate development, can be developed to meet the Smithsonian's present and future need with minimum disruption to the current operations, and can be developed cost effectively. In FY 1984, $40,000 is being requested to develop a master plan for the Amado base camp, with expectations of acquiring land acquisition and design funding for repairs and improvements in FY 1985, and construction funding of approximately $1,605,000 in FY 1986.

SAO construction and other facility requirements are estimated to cost approximately $2,420,000 in this planning period.

[[underline]] Tropical Research Institute [[/underline]]

Continuing development requirements are anticipated in the coming years for implementing the Panama Canal Treaty and a land management and facilities plan for the Barro Colorado Nature Monument. Also being planned is a consolidation of research support facilities and an upgrading of existing facilities.

The Institute's research facilities on Barro Colorado Island, as well as those at Naos Island, Galeta Point and other locations, continue to offer unique research opportunities to scientists and students throughout the world. Maintenance, repairs, and improvements are difficult and costly because of accelerated deterioration and logistical problems associated with these remote tropical locations. Preservation of these facilities requires constant support to protect and improve them for the future.

Presently, installation of a new wet laboratory and saltwater distribution system at Naos Island is in use for marine research. In addition, renovation and consolidation of other research facilities at Naos have been planned. At Barro Colorado Island, upgrading of sanitary and water facilities and renovation of almost all structures are necessary. Presently, $418,000 (some of which was reprogrammed from various STRI projects in FY 1979 and 1981, and $195,000 which was provided in FY 1980) is being used to construct a new library facility at the Tivoli site in Panama City. Additional consolidation of laboratory and administrative space at this location is desirable.

Major repairs and maintenance of the Tropical Research Institute's research and support facilities will require increased attention and funding in the years ahead, and it is estimated that about $2,930,000 will be needed over this planning period.