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There is merit to looking further ahead than just five years in communicating to OMB, Congress, and others the Institution's operating and capital objectives and in planning for resource levels to match the Smithsonian's basic growth aspirations. The Smithsonian must look ahead fifteen or twenty years if it is to continue to be successful in meeting its responsibilities to the public, the museum and scholarly communities, and the nation. This chapter presents a brief summary of longer-ranger possibilities based on existing institutional policies, and projections to about FY 1995.

Emphasis on research, exhibition, collections management, and other basic programs, of course, will continue. Quality activities and services for the visiting public and Associate members are other basic aims and will be stressed. New buildings, where necessary, and careful attention to those now under the care of the Institution, require longer-range thinking if results are to be useful to the public. The most effective use of available federal and trust resources in achieving general objectives will continue to motivate overall management planning. As the planning period is extended, however, it becomes increasingly difficult to detail the varied opportunities and related management choices will will emerge. Nevertheless, it is possible to set down institutional desires, directions, and resources which can be realized if conditions external to direct management control permit. In interpreting materials contained in this chapter, it is important to highlight the following:

[[bullet point]] A generally favorable economic situation is assumed to prevail over time. The Administration is predicting that inflationary pressures on the nation's economy will continue to lessen. For purposes of describing institutional plans beyond 1988, inflation is assumed to have only minimum influence.

[[bullet point]] Essential levels of appropriations for capital and operating projects as outlined in the preceding chapters for years FY 1984-88 will be forthcoming from the Executive and Congressional branches of government.

[[bullet point]] Visitation will remain strong.

[[bullet point]] Public acceptance of the Institution's various programs and products, and supporting trust funds generated through investments, Associates and auxiliary activities will continue to allow net proceeds to grow moderately and to be applied to Smithsonian objectives as approved by its Board of Regents.