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[[a label is attached to the upper right corner but text is on the obverse side - it is apparently the "ticket" referred to in the text of this report]]

[[stamp]] Attended To.[[/stamp]] JEB
Note in [[?]] file

Washington d. c., ^[[30th April]] 18[[/preprinted]]82

Professor Spencer F. Baird
Director U.S. National Museum


I have the honor to make the following report of the work accomplished in my section during the month ending April 30th 1882.

The twenty-five macerating jars of different sizes, asked for in requisition several weeks ago, arrived during the month and a number of them have been put to use; they answer their purpose admirably.

The thousand tickets of the style herewith enclosed, have been printed, but the boxes required some two months ago have not yet been received; they may be looked for however, any day now, and when at hand the Card Catalouging will begin.