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WASHINGTON, D. C., [[blank date line]] 18[[blank space]] 

on hand, or the genera represented.

As near as I can ascertain, all of the specimens have been entered in the Museum Catalogues for the Osteological specimens.

These [[insertion]]skeletons[[/insertion]] are by no means all complete; in the majority of cases, only the sternum and scap. whose arch having been preserved, often only the cranium or parts of the extremities.

At present the specimens are contained in every imaginable style of receptacle, from a quantity of them being heaped loosely in open trays, to [[insertion]]the[[/insertion]] heaviest and roughest kind of pine box, so that we may almost say the greater part of the collection [[insertion]] has no [[/insertion]] proper storage.

In some cases there are many duplicates of the same species, and as a rule nearly all require a thorough cleaning before they will be fit for the purposes of exhibition, or even study.

Transcription Notes:
From the instructions: ^ and double brackets [[ ]] used for handwritten notes on or near typewritten text; a word that has been inserted into a sentence or phrase in the original text, please note it using brackets: [[insertion]] word inserted [[/insertion]]